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Kids Matter!
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 Kids Matter!

Not just my kids or your kids, but kids all over the world. Why? Because they are our future, and they will live in the world that we leave to them. They matter because what we teach them now will affect generations to come. They matter because they don’t just belong to us.

At PowerMark Comics kids matter most! We are an international children’s ministry carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to kids all around the world. From the Far East to the heart of Europe, PowerMark has ministered to literally tens of thousands of children. Our comics present Biblical principles and the Gospel in an entertaining and engaging way.

At PowerMark, our heart is to reach every child in the name of Jesus Christ. With an estimated 2.2 billion children in the world, our task has just begun. The high costs of comic production and the pressing need to reach these kids require us to ask you for help.

We need dedicated ministry partners to come alongside us and join with our ministry. Your tax deductible donation to PowerMark enables us to continue our ministry around the world. Whether you offer a one time gift or a monthly pledge, your help is vital to this ministry. We encourage you to prayerfully consider giving to PowerMark. Whatever you can do to help is vital and appreciated.

After all, if you could reach just one child in the name of Jesus…wouldn’t that be worth it?

“Suffer the little children to come unto me…for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” - Jesus Christ, Matthew 19:14