home comics parents churches
Who is PowerMark?
What age group is PowerMark comics appropriate for?
Can I see a sample of the comic?
Where can I buy PowerMark comics?
What other products are available from PowerMark Productions?


Who is PowerMark?

Captain Mark Chen, also called PowerMark, is a professional soldier who joined the Alliance at age seventeen. He became the youngest officer ever to lead an Alpha force unit in the ongoing battle against Leviathan, a force of evil led by the Diviner whose goal is to establish a new world--one that will be free from individual thought or expression. Protecting an orphanage from an attack by Leviathan, Mark was wounded in combat. Presently, he has been commissioned by the International Christian Coalition (ICC) to lead a mission to create Virtual Reality Episodes (VRE) of the stories of the Bible. With his crew of kids and some really cool gadgets, PowerMark leads one of the most important missions ever...drawing youth back to faith in God and His Word!

What age group is PowerMark comics appropriate for?

The target audience for PowerMark Comics is children ages 8 to 14. It is written at a 4th-6th grade reading level. However, we have discovered that pre-readers enjoy the pictures and storyline. Teens and adults have also been avid readers of PowerMark.

Can I see a sample of the comic?

Yes, we have posted a sample online. Click here to view a few pages.

Where can I buy PowerMark Comics?

Several Christian book stores are carrying PowerMark products. Check with your local Christian book store to see if they have PowerMark. You can purchase individual comics from Covenant Games.

What other products are available from PowerMark Productions?

In addition to the PowerMark Adventure Series comics, we have developed:

PowerMark Seeker Series - This gripping six-part story is designed to take a child with no understanding of God and lead them to Christ. The Seeker Series then systematically takes a young person through the basics of the Christian faith and builds a solid foundation of spiritual understanding.

PowerMark Series One Traveler Edition - Enjoy all of the first 12 Adventure Series comic books in one graphic novel.
Posters - Decorate your room with larger than life posters of our favorite heroes, PowerMark and the gang.